Call 9-1-1 for HELP when:

  • You are witness or are the victim of a crime.
  • You smell smoke or see a fire.
  • You are a witness or are involved in a serious accident.
  • There is an emergency illness or injury.
  • There is a child, senior citizen or handicapped person lost, confused or frightened.
  • There is a child, senior citizen or handicapped person in need of special assistance.
  • There is any type of situation that is potentially dangerous or life threatening and you are not sure who to call.

What information is needed when calling 9-1-1?

The 9-1-1 Telecommunicator will be with you during the emergency.   When they ask, give them the following information:

  • Provide the actual location of the emergency (Where is the emergency?)
    • The 9-1-1 Telecommunicator will ask you to repeat your location a second time, in order to verify they have heard the location correctly.
  • Provide the phone number you’re calling from (How to reach you if we get disconnected?)
    • The 9-1-1 Telecommunicator will ask you to repeat your phone number a second time, in order to verify they have heard the phone number correctly.
  • State the nature of the emergency (What is the emergency?)
  • Provide your name and address (Who is providing the information about the emergency?)
  • Any additional pertinent information (When did it happen? Why did it happen?)

Remember to stay calm, speak clearly and remain on the line to answer all of the 9-1-1 Telecommunicator’s questions.